Usage Examples

Below are a few examples of how to interact with the PhoneBurner API.

Hello World

Let's start by testing our setup. This simple, unprotected route gives you an easy way to test network connectivity to the API. Open up a command prompt and enter the following command (without the $):

$ curl

    "http_status": 200,
    "status": "success",
                "meaning": "the quality or state of being tranquil; calm."
        "total_results": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "page_size": 1,
        "total_pages": 1

Not very interesting. To do anything interesting with the PhoneBurner API requires authentication.

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Access Authenticated Route

First, lets try to access a protected resource without credentials.

$ curl

    "http_status": 401,
    "status": "error",
            "code": 40101,
            "reason": "Login Failure: Authorization Header required"

For protected resources using OAuth, we need to add an Authorization header. For this example, we'll assume our access_token is EibGl9i8WNi0iI3a0He6PYg1Kntpzq8y3foSxQyg. Substitute your access_token.

To add this header with curl use the -H flag.

$ curl \
-H "Authorization: Bearer EibGl9i8WNi0iI3a0He6PYg1Kntpzq8y3foSxQyg"

        "http_status": 200,
        "status": "success",
                "total_results": 1,

                                "user_id": "1234567",
                                "username": "saulgoodman",
                                "first_name": "Saul",
                                "last_name": "Goodman",
                                "email_address": "[email protected]",
                                "date_added": "2013-01-17 17:12:13",
                                "phone": "9492181234",
                                "display_name": "Standard Account",
                                "billing_item_id": "131",
                                "subscription_status": "1",
                                                "href": "\/rest\/1\/members\/1234567"
                "page": 1,
                "page_size": 1,
                "total_pages": 1

Note: \ is used in these examples to show using curl on multiple lines.

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Example PUT

Now let's try to update some data using a PUT request.

With curl, use the -X flag (short for --request) to specify the HTTP verb. Use the -d flag (short for --data) to provide arguments.

$ curl \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer EibGl9i8WNi0iI3a0He6PYg1Kntpzq8y3foSxQyg" \
            -X PUT \
            -d "first_name=Jane"

    "http_status": 200,
    "status": "success",
                    "user_id": "1234567",
                    "username": "saulgoodman",
                    "first_name": "Jane",
                    "last_name": "Goodman",
                    "email_address": "[email protected]",
                    "date_added": "2013-01-17 17:12:13",
                    "phone": "9492181234",
                    "display_name": "Standard Account",
                    "billing_item_id": "131",
                    "subscription_status": "1"
            "total_results": 1,
            "page": 1,
            "page_size": 1,
            "total_pages": 1
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